Questions every Business
  • Aug 02, 2023

Don’t Buy Into These “Trends” About Landing Pages

Digital marketing is ever-evolving, and with it, comes waves of new trends. Landing pages, the first interaction point for many potential customers, aren't immune to these fleeting fashions. From autoplay videos that supposedly "enhance" user engagement to over-minimalistic designs hailed as the zenith of modernity, not all trends deliver on their promises. A report from Nielsen Norman Group emphasizes the importance of user-centric designs over following fads. User testing platforms like Optimizely or Hotjar can offer insights into what genuinely resonates with visitors. Instead of chasing trends, data-driven decisions can ensure landing pages that genuinely convert.

Common “Trends” and Their Pitfalls

  1. Autoplay Videos: While these might seem engaging, they can be disruptive, especially if a user is browsing in a quiet environment. Not everyone appreciates an unsolicited video, leading to an increase in bounce rates.

  2. Parallax Scrolling: Though it can create a visually appealing effect, parallax scrolling can also slow down a website's load time. Additionally, this design doesn’t always translate well to mobile platforms, potentially alienating a vast segment of users.

  3. Over-Minimalistic Design: While simplicity can be key, stripping a landing page of essential elements or information can confuse visitors about the brand's message or offerings.

  4. Pop-Ups: Used too aggressively, pop-ups can be a massive turn-off for users. It's crucial to strike a balance between engaging the visitor and respecting their online experience.

  5. Generic Stock Photos: Realism resonates. Overly polished or generic stock images can make a brand feel impersonal or inauthentic.

Navigating Trends: Best Practices

  1. Stay Informed: Be aware of emerging trends, but critically assess their value and relevance to your target audience.

  2. Prioritize User Experience: Always prioritize the user experience over aesthetics. A beautifully designed landing page that isn't user-friendly won’t achieve its conversion goals.

  3. A/B Testing: Before fully committing to a new design trend, test its efficacy. Platforms like Optimizely can help businesses run A/B tests to see which version of a landing page resonates more with visitors.

  4. Feedback Loop: Encourage feedback from users. Direct insights can help identify pain points and areas of improvement.


In the realm of digital marketing, where first impressions are paramount, landing pages act as brand ambassadors. While it's tempting to hop on the latest design bandwagon, it's essential to discern which trends genuinely add value and which are mere passing fads. By grounding decisions in data and prioritizing the user experience, businesses can craft landing pages that not only look good but also serve their core purpose: conversion.


Jasour Obeidat

CTO - Perfect Vision Tech

s the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at Perfect Vision Tech, where he spearheads the companys technological vision and strategy. With a robust background in both software and hardware development, Jasour is instrumental in driving innovation, ensuring technological advancements align with the companys mission to deliver cutting-edge solutions.



Sophia Martin

Thoroughly agree! It's tempting to jump on every new trend, but the essence of an effective landing page lies in understanding your audience's needs and preferences. Real user data always trumps transient design fads. Kudos for emphasizing the importance of a user-centric approach in digital marketing.

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