Questions every Business
  • Sep 12, 2023

Questions Every Business Owner Should Be Able to Answer

Every entrepreneurial journey is dotted with questions. However, some questions lay the foundation for the business's entire trajectory. Renowned business strategist Michael E. Porter once remarked, "The essence of strategy is choosing what not to do." At the heart of this is knowing one's unique value proposition. Beyond this, understanding target demographics, mapping out a five-year vision, and having a clear grasp on cash flows are essential. Resources from Stanford Graduate School of Business recommend periodic introspection sessions for entrepreneurs, ensuring alignment with core business answers. In the chaos of daily operations, these answers become the entrepreneur's North Star.

Essential Questions Business Owners Must Address

  1. What problem does my business solve?

    A business must cater to a specific need or challenge in the market. Successful entrepreneurs pinpoint this issue and build their company as the ideal solution.

  2. Who are my competitors, and what differentiates my business from them?

    It's crucial not only to know who your competitors are but also to understand your unique selling points (USPs) that make your offering more attractive.

  3. What are my key performance indicators (KPIs)?

    KPIs help entrepreneurs gauge their business's health and progress. Whether it's sales figures, customer satisfaction scores, or website traffic, knowing your KPIs can provide insights into areas of growth and improvement.

  4. How does my business scale?

    Expansion is often a primary goal for businesses. Understanding how and where to grow, be it through diversifying products, entering new markets, or leveraging technologies, is pivotal.

  5. How am I nurturing company culture?

    Beyond finances and strategy, a company's culture can be its make-or-break. Fostering an environment of collaboration, innovation, and respect ensures higher retention and productivity.

  6. What's my exit strategy?

    Whether it's selling the business, passing it on to heirs, or another route, entrepreneurs should have an idea of their endgame.

Staying Grounded Amidst the Hustle

While diving deep into these questions, business owners should also ensure they remain connected to their initial passion and reason for starting the venture. This connection acts as a grounding mechanism, especially during challenging times. Periodic revisits to these questions can also offer fresh perspectives and reveal new directions the business can take.


Entrepreneurship is an exhilarating journey filled with highs and lows. Amidst the rapid decisions and daily challenges, taking a moment to ponder these fundamental questions ensures a focused path forward. As the business landscape evolves, the answers to these questions might change. Still, the clarity they bring at any given moment is invaluable, steering the ship with purpose and vision.


Jasour Obeidat

CTO - Perfect Vision Tech

s the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at Perfect Vision Tech, where he spearheads the companys technological vision and strategy. With a robust background in both software and hardware development, Jasour is instrumental in driving innovation, ensuring technological advancements align with the companys mission to deliver cutting-edge solutions.



Khalid Saleem

Beyond finances and strategy, a company's culture can be its make-or-break. Fostering an environment of collaboration, innovation, and respect ensures higher retention and productivity.

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